This weekend we celebrated local and global changemakers at the Greenwich International Film Festival where we hosted the "Making An Impact in the Community & Beyond" event.

High school students in Fairfield County, CT had the opportunity to submit a 3-minute social impact video that proposed a solution to a need in a moderate-to-low income community. Through our Social Impact Video Competition, we hoped to inspire high school students to be more civically engaged and socially minded. Many of the inspired students joined us on stage on Saturday to receive their certificates and our congratulations.
The winner, A Sense of Self Defense by Daniella Tocco, will receive a $4,000 grant to launch her project, which will bring self defense classes to Yonkers, NY. Sacred Heart showcased Daniella's work in an interview, which you can read here. Check out her video here.
The runner-up, receiving a $1,000 grant, is a video by Rose Luczaj, Anna Pacilio and Colleen Cooke who will support individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders attending Giant Steps School. Check out their video here.
We also want to congratulate the other finalists who shared what they would do to make an impact in their local communities: reducing stress in high school, bringing awareness and support to LGBTQ+ youth in Stamford, CT, and expanding the food and resources available to a local homeless shelter.

Why Are You Stressed Outby Stephanie Wistreich, Callie Morgan, Francesca DeVita, Kirwan Carey, Jesse Boolbol and Charlie Benson

Prismatic by Patrick Lespinasse, Hilary Flores, Iyana Ellis and Julia Perloe

City Harvest by Naomi Pederson

During the event, we were honored to present the first ever #MakeAnImpactAward to YouTuber, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Bethany Mota, for using her voice and social media platform to speak out against online bullying. Bethany encouraged youth to "find what's authentic to you" by seeking inspiration from everything, getting involved and taking action now.
If you would like to learn more about our partnership with GIFF, check out our blog post on the collaboration here. Thank you for continuing to be an invaluable part of our community! We truly appreciate your support!