Dear GCI Community,
2019 has been another amazing year for GCI! Our global presence continues to grow and none of this would be possible without your support.
As we celebrate the holidays and look forward to not only a new year, but also a new decade, we wanted to share some of the highlights of this year with you:
GCI awarded the GSP Seed Funding Competition for the Fellowship 2018 $1,000 Grant to Vivian from Hong Kong and the $500 Runner-Up Grant to Louis from Nigeria
We held the 6th Annual GCI Summit and 2nd Annual GCI Seminar for Educators in our first international host city, Tokyo, Japan
GCI opened the doors for over 450 participants of our Global Forum 2019: IGNITE! Japan and created a space to discuss preparing the workforce of tomorrow in Japan
For the first time, all of our Teaching Assistants were once themselves GCI Fellows
GCI hosted a GCI Reunion and 3 Mini Reunions for Ambassadors and Fellows all over the world in Washington, D.C., London, New York, and Tokyo
We celebrated five years of agents of positive change with our marketing brochure highlighting GCI from 2014 to 2018 and our video introducing some of our Ambassadors and their stories
GCI continues to support our Fellows 2019 as they positively impact their local communities through their Glocal Service Projects
Applications are now open for the 7th Annual GCI Summit and 3rd Annual GCI Seminar for Educators. We are excited to continue to grow our GCI Family with 28 new Fellows and 12 new Educators in 2020 at the University of St Andrews in Scotland!
We look forward to sharing the next steps in our journey with you. Thank you again for your continued support of GCI!
Happy Holidays!
Yumi Kuwana and the GCI Team